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The Pride

The Pride

Autor:Rindu Rinjani


Nicko is an unexpected son in law in Wondsor Family, who is rich and famous in Westcoast Town. Earlier, his Wedding with the beautiful Josephine is only a reciprocate to Mr.Gilbert Windsor, Josephine's grandpa. The one who always kind to him since he was a child. Eventhough Josephine always treat him nicely as a man and husband, but not her big family. Nicko is nothing but a trash for Windsor family. "So, you came here with an empty hand? How silly you are," Armando, his brother in law is mocking him as always. "Armando, dont you remember the fact that he is depending his life to Josephine and his parent in law? He just a poor unemployement," Damian, Josephine's cousin try to make him feel worse. That's Nicko's daily life, always being mocked and insulted anytime, anywhere. This also make Josephine's pride is getting lower among her conservative family. One day, a surprising day came to him unexpectedly. He met his biogical father, Phillip Lloyd, a man from the top social pyramid. Everything has change. Money is not a problem for him anymore. However, he prefer to hide his true identity. What is the reason behind? Find out and see Nicholas Lloyd's journey.
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  The sound of music is played soft and gently by the pianist in this room. There is a hansome man with a good body, standing and lay his back on the pillar, right at the corner. Alone, and lonely as always. 

  His name is Nicholas,  or Nicko, yes just Nicko, a young man without family name,  a husband of Josephine Windsor. She is the youngest daughter of one of rich and famous family in Westcoast Town, Edmund and Daisy Windsor. 


  Today is a birthday of Howard,  an elder brother of Edmund Windsor. It's a tradition for Windsor family gathering to celebrate a birthday or wedding anniversary. 

  Everyone who came on gathering has to bring any present, of course. Honestly, present giving is a moment for showing off who is the richest, who glive the most expensive gift. 

  "Daddy, i hope you like this priceless painting by Fransesca from 19th century. I am sorry for not spending more than a million dollar," Bryan Holf, his son in law is saying generiously but honestly he wants to show off. 

  "You really a great son in Law, thank you, " Howard replys nicely while pating on his son in law shouder.

  Armando and his wife Chaterine, an elder sister of Josephine come closer then. Giving a box which has a watch inside, a collection of Baurielle with jewels around. It might cost around a million dollar also.

  A smile appears in Howard's face when seeing this couple. Armando Blanc is a son of a wealthy family. A million dollar gift is a small thing for him. Catherine is really lucky to be his wife.

   "Hi Nicko, what do you bring for my father birthday?" Damian, Howard's youngest son, shouts and makes that hansome man come closer to gis wife's relatives, suddenly. To be honest, he doesn't like this kind of gathering at all,  but he has no choice. 

  What Nicko can do is just nod and head down. Then, he ties to tell him bravely that he has nothing for gift. 

  "I apologize for not having any gift," He answers timidly. 

  "So, you came here with an empty hand? How silly you are," Armando, his brother in law is mocking him as always. 

  "Armando, dont you remember the fact that he is depending his life to Josephine and his parent in law? He just a poor unemployement," Damian, Josephine's cousin try to make him feel worse.  

  "Yes, you are right, i am sure that you wash your wife underwear, right?" Armando is sneering at him then laugh with Damian loudly. 

  "Nicko, how ashamed you are. How dare you embarassing my birtday!" Howard seems unhappy with his niece's husband. As a man, he thinks this silly son in law has no respect to him. 

  "You have no pride at all. What can you do is just make any trouble in my big family," Madame Elizabeth Windsor,  grandmother of Josephine is now saying and angry. 

  Finally, a young lady with a blonde hair and wearing her little black dress get closer to them. She is beautiful and ellegant, the woman in dream. She is Josephine, Nicko's wife. 

  "Honey, please," she said then she puts her hand on his arm, take him away. 

  Since Nicko does not want any trouble and argue, thus he agrees with his wife. Then turning his back. 

  "Josephine, Grandma and your Uncle is not finish talking to your useless and ashamed husband!" Elizabeth shouts and stop her. 

  Nicko is turning and face his wife family while holding her hand warmly. 

  "I don't understand about you Josephine,  Is there any great side of him,  so you let this looser stay and keep him as a husband," Howard tries to express his dissagreement. 

  "I love my husband," Josephine replys then glaced her husband and smile at him. Meawhile, Armando and Damian laughing and mocking at them. 

  "What do you see from a looser like him. He is only a good looking unemployement. Soon, he will get older with full wrinkle on his face," Madame Elizabeth says.

  "Good looking on face is has no meaning if there is no wealth or money," Catherine explains and make the others laugh. 

  "After all, his liability is done, it's over. He just a subtitude groom for you, why you have to stay with him for two years?" Catherine remains her sister. 

  Nicko marry Josephine because of the deceased of Mr. Gilbert Windsor's request. As a repay of his kindness, sending him to study till university. 

  At that time,  two days before Josephine's wedding, her fiancee Gerald Jones is dissapear and nobody knows where he going. To save Windsor's family from an embarassing thing,  Nicko is asked to replace Gerald. 

  Their relationship is awkward and empty earlier, because there is no love among them. Then,  day by they everything is changed. Josephine's hurt is erased by Nicko's patience slowly, and the love is growing on them. 

  Unfortunately,  only Josephine and her deceased grandfarher who take and treat Nicko nicely. The Windsor's arrogance and pride is too high to take Nicko as a part of them. 

  "Sue your useless husband for a divorce then marry Adrian Law. He is really fit on you," Grandma says assertively.

  "Listen to your Grandma! You will live better and happier as your sister Catherine. Look at her, she alwyas buy fancy and beautifull dresses, going holiday and have fun. What about you? Your life is so poor, He cannot give you any fancy things, even for himself," What Damian said really makes Armando really proud of himself. 

  "Right, Adrian is perfect for you, He came for a well known family, not a man from unknown like him," Catherine says while glanced at Nicko underestimating. Josephine does not care about any politeness at all,  she grab her husband's hand and take him away. Still she able to hear how the Windsor ask her to be apart with her husband. 


  "Honey, please don't get hurt with their words. Believe me, i won't leave you," Josephine is trying to make her husband calm down by rubing his arm. 

  "What do they think about me is not important at all. The most important for me is you," Nicko answer it with a calm voice tone. 

  While they are together,  his phone is vibed. He is notified that Mrs. Watts,  the one who live with him when she was a child is hospitalized. He has to be there and take care of her.  

  "What's the matter?" Josephine asks curiously. 

  "Mrs. Emily is hospitalized now and i have to stay with her," Nicko answera it lazily. 

  He stayed with Watts family since she was a child. Unfortunately, they cannot treat him nicely and appropriate as a foster. 

  They treat Nicko more like a servant than a child, geting any violance as a dicipline methode. The education service he gets is coming from Mr. Gilbert Windsor generiousity. 

  "You need to go now?" Josephine asks once again. 

  To be honest, he does not want to go, but again he has no other choice. Anytime and anywhere he goes always being bullied and insulted.

  "Is that ok?" Nicko asks her. 

  "It's ok and i'll go with you."

  "Don't bother Josephine, I don't want your family geting more upset to you. Let me go alone," Nicko asking a permission to leave then kiss his wife's forehead. 


  In the meantime,  Phillip Lloyd is visited by his personal asistance, Klyle Brenan on his luxury mansion.. His asistance bring a paper folder with a wellknown hospital in Westcoast Town's logo on it. "Mr. Lloyd, this is the test' result you need," He says and pass the paper folder to him. 

  "Thank you Kyle," Phillip Lloyd said, then checking on the result of hospital's report seriously. Pay attention to every detail's shown,  then put it on the table harshly. 

  "Hmm, i thought it all already. That is why he has that kind of atitude," Phillip is muttering. 

  "Kyle, we have to go now,  and get our people ready!" Phillip gives command as a master.