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Finders Keepers

Finders Keepers

Autor:Sincerely Clang


It’s truly the prettiest smiles that hide the deepest secrets. Living in a world of pageantry, Samantha became the standard of every girl’s beauty on their campus. But hiding from her sash and crowns are the tragedies that happened from her dark past. Her family was murdered by someone unidentified and she was the only one who survived As the years passed by, she kept herself hidden from her real identity and entered the world of beauty queens. Along with her journey, she promised herself to find her family’s murderer and to punish him with the taste of her revenge. Apparently, instead of finding the sinner, she earned herself a man that made her believe in love. But, will she stay in love with him if she finds out that the love of her life is her family’s culprit? Find out more in the next chapters how Samantha Stanford will conquer her battles between love and revenge.
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Clock ticking, water splashing and a loud voice humming. Here’s how you can usually find Samantha Courtney Stanford, a 23 year old college stunner who loves modelling, in her apartment just kilometers away from her campus, West Excellence University.

It has been 3 hours since her phone alarm rang noisily to inform her of her class. Lying on her bathtub with scattered rose petals and wine from her broken pieces of glass, Samantha woke up panting with her voice trying to grasp some air. She just recovered from her nightmare.

Samantha’s POV

Believe me when I tell you I thought it was over for me already. Waking up from that nightmare was totally unimaginable. Imagine, I was left alone in the dark forest with a man hunting me. And that guy from my dream was a total freak, he was our gardener when I was still in kindergarten and he was the same man who nearly raped me when I was left alone in our house while Mom and Dad went outside to run some errands. Luckily, my all time best friend slash childhood sweetheart Burkey saved me from that hell. He bit his hands to let me run away while I immediately called mom to fire him.

My heart still beats as fast as a cheetah, I can’t believe I’m still alive and kicking. Thanks to my phone for ringing so loud that even the man from my dream irritatingly heard it. Anyway, it’s Cassandra, my campus best friend slash pageant rival slash self-proclaimed manager.

“Hey, Cassandra, what’s up?” I asked when I answered.

“Are you kidding me? Why do you sound like you’re not even surprised by my fifty-fourth call when you know you’re now 5 hours late for our biology class?” she replied.

I glanced at my phone and shook myself to death when I noticed all of my missed calls and messages.

“Wait what? I fell asleep while taking a shower, I’ll see you in school,” I answered after I remembered that today would be our major discussion for our Biology class.

I then hung up the phone and rushed myself to pack up and go to campus. This day was horrible, I shouldn’t wake up from that nightmare. Meeting my professor with a demonic smile makes me wanna puke and sleep again. I can’t afford to miss my class today since my professor enjoys making fun of me in front of the class.

You know what, the first time I entered his class, he told me I should be taking modelling class instead of biology since my walk sucks during competitions. The whole class laughed when he imitated my walk like a penguin with two identical legs. I can’t believe he passed his board with that immature attitude. God, I hate him so much.

“Miss Samantha Stanford, you’re too early to be dismissed. How about waiting for the class to end outside our classroom?” Professor Lincoln Martinez vexatiously asked.

The whole class chuckled while waving goodbye at me. He’s the worst person in my life. I took medicine so I can understand life and to provide security to most of the people. How can a professor like him deprive his student the knowledge and privilege she needs to conquer her dreams?

I went to our campus cafeteria to wait for Cassandra. Could this day get any worse? It was a whole bunch of episodes coming my way from this whole day. By the way, I ordered apple juice to calm my soul. I was about to drink my favorite nutritious apple refresher when I heard someone call my name.

“SAMANTHA COURTNEY!” an unfamiliar voice shouted.

I looked at the direction from where the voice was coming from when I glanced at someone with a familiar look.

“Lance Burke? Are you that Lance Burke from 5 years ago?” I asked.

“Yes, Sammy. It’s me Burkey,” he answered while hugging me tightly.

“Dude you gotta be kidding me, I thought you were dead! You shouldn’t be here, your family might get mad for you coming over,” I replied.

Yes, you heard it right. Lance Burke was my friend from our neighborhood where my aunt is living. He was my best friend way back then until I made him drive his Dad’s car since we wanted to watch Westlife’s concert at around 12 midnight. I made him sneak out and we crashed his Dad’s car. I luckily got a chance to jump out of the car when it was about to hit the tree and before it slid down the cliff. Lance went into a coma for a month while his family kept on cursing me. My Aunt didn’t have the chance to fight for me since the Burke family owns a firm in Massachusetts, so I had to move back to my parents house again believing they wouldn't be able to find me. I heard a month after that Lance woke up from a coma but his parents had to fly him back to Massachusetts for his better recovery.

“I already graduated and I was about to get my practice in Seattle. You should be happy I’ll be seeing you more often without restrictions and midnight gatecrash,” he muttered confidently.

I really hate it when people attack me with their looks. I know for a fact that Lance is not only a best friend to me way back then, I know he’s more special than anyone else. But hey except Cassandra of course, she’s my mug of coffee. Get it? She’s my comfort.

“So it looks like your class ended earlier. Mind if I join you with your refresher?” he added.

I smiled instinctively and let him sit beside me.

“I didn’t know anyone could enter here without the school’s permission,” I said.

“Actually, just like the good old days, I gatecrashed,'' he whispered.

“Dude you’re a total douche bag, I can totally tell,” I replied.

He pinched my cheeks and pulled me closer to him. His face went closer to mine and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach like five years ago. Why is my body stuck like this? I can’t even move.

“You haven’t changed a lot, you’re still that stunning lady, I wanted to marry five years ago,” he muttered while gently stroking my cheeks.