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My Hero Academia (Fanfiction)

My Hero Academia (Fanfiction)



In the beginning of each of my stories I will tell how each character is feeling and their p.o.v I would like for you the reader to give the charters a chance to change there might be some minor misspellings and I'm sorry for that.
Mostrar tudo▼

Bakuou's point of view:

I'm in class and when I look around the room I see what I like to call damn extras and then I see this shitty hair loser named Kirishma I mean he's not all that bad I can definitely tolerate him a lot more than the rest of the extras in the class fine I'll admit it he's my best friend but that doesn't mean shit alright he's a friend and that's all he'll ever be nothing more.

Karishma's point of view:

I'm in class bored not really paying attention but that's okay I'll just ask my good friend bakugou I like to call him bakubro though not quite sure if he likes it though oh well I mean he's my friend I'm sure it'll be fine. Wait what am I talking about again?

Shoto's point of view:

I'm in class thinking about lunch I mean I'm paying attention but I'm hungry look it's not my fault I didn't like the breakfast I mean I didn't trust it alright I don't really take notes I will if I really need it but right now I don't right now so oh well.

Izuku Midoriya's point of view:

I'm sitting in class paying attention carefully writing every detail down in my notebook I don't wanna miss anything just in case I like trying my hardest in class to get good grades I don't really focus on anything else well sometimes I think about todaroki a little I'm not exactly sure why.

At lunch

"Hey Todaroki!" Izuku waved at Shoto with a friendly wave and a warm smile and started walking up to him smiling happily he was in a great move right up until he tripped and fell and but he was lucky enough not spill anything but it still hurt and it was embarrassing normally Bakugou but in izuku's case Kachan would trip him but when he looked over no one was there, he had tripped over his own feet now he's even more embarrassed,Izuku frowned but Shoto helped him up and looked at him"you alright that was a pretty rough fall"

"Yeah I'm alright,

I'm just glad that I didn't spill anything" Izuku was happy that he didn't laugh at him or anything normally stuff like that some people would laugh but izuku didn't really mind he was pretty much used to it.

"that would have sucked" Izuku said kinda frowning

"It definitely would have"

todaroki looked at him they we're standing a little close making izuku blush slightly but he tried his best to keep it hidden.

"Right,I was meaning to ask you uhm would you maybe want to s-sit with me?"

Izuku looked at shoto kinda nervous hoping he would say yes even though it's a little thing such as sitting next to him during lunch but Izuku still didn't want to be rejected.

"What table"

Shoto looked at him waiting patiently for him to point to where their going to sit.

"Wait really?"

Izuku looked at him with sparkles in his eyes he was surprised and didn't know why he was so surprised he just was

"Yeah isn't that what friends do?"

Shoto looked at him slightly confused

Izuku face palmed because he thought he was stupid for asking an obvious question but Shoto held back his laughter and smiled slightly he was laughing not at Izuku just at his sillyness so they went to the table where the rest of the dekusquad was and Izuku and Shoto sat next to each other close enough to where their knees touched.

The next day

Kirishma's POV:

I had just woken up and looked at my phone to see it's 7AM so i got up and put on a white tanktop with flannel jacket,blue jeans, black socks and my favorite crimson crocks they remind me of Crimson Riot that's why I love them I then quickly put my hair up and finished it off with my white headband grabbed my stuff and met up with bakubro he is pretty cool and manly he's a good friend once you get to know him that's why I like hanging out with him it just takes the right time i like giving everyone a chance.

Bakugou's POV:

I'm walking with Shitty Hair and after a little while it suddenly went silent don't get it wrong i love silence but I like a least a little bit of noice as long as it's not annoying so i had to say something litterly anything.

"After School?" I look at the red head with shitty hair and think for a moment he looks confused 'did i just say after school!? WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN!!?' I thought to myself.

"Don't say a god damn word i meant to say after school do you want to hangout with me after school just you and me?" I look at the red head then back forward so i know where I'm going and I wait for him to respond

"Yeah of course bro we can whenever just text me after school" Kirishma smiled brightly it was always a warm feeling inside that even made Bakugou smile sometimes and it made Bakugou's day a bit better.