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The Villainess Future

The Villainess Future



Sofia Plare is accused and killed for something she didn't. However she has another chance to live.... going back in time! She is 7 years younger and now she will have revenge. But will it be the only thing that will happen?
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A big plaza really crowded and everyone is screaming to kill the sinner. The sinner is a girl around 20 years old with brown hair and pink eyes. She is wearing a old, dirty, brown dress and two knights are holding her making her kneel. She has a lot of cuts and bruises. They are on a platform in the middle of the square.

A man with brown hair and green eyes goes on the platform. He looks like a man around 25. In his hand he is holding a sword. "Sofia Plare. You are guilty to tryed to kill Dorothy Plare, your younger sister, and to treason towards our empire. I will take back for our family the honor that you take us away. Sorry Sofia, but this is for your sake and for our as well" . Sofia wants to say something, but she can. Her tounge was remove. Then he pull up the sword, but a girl voice break the tense air. "Stop!". It's Dorothy voice. She has blonde hair and green eyes and she is wearing a black cloak with a hood.The man then say " shouldn't be here. And why are you trying to save her?" "I am not trying to save her, brother Peter. I want to say something to her. This is the last time I can say her something, please " "... Ok. Bit don't go too near her " "Thanks brother ". Dorothy goes near Sofia and say "You know sister. There is something I always wanted to tell you. " Then she goes near her ear and whisper "You low bitch. I hope you will burn in hell ".

Sofia thinks what kind of things Dorothy is talking about. "You know Sofia unnie, I always hated you and your mother. However now I am really satisfied. Thanks to me now your mother is dead and you will be soon. Farewell disguesting thing" after saying this, Dorothy looks at her brother and say "Please brother. Don't make her suffer. " " Of course ".

Sofia thoughts :"You! Dorothy you killed my mother and me! I won't let you do this! God, if you exist let me have a second chance. The chance to change everything and protect the people I love." On the top of the sword, that it's in the air, Sofia can see a clock. "A clock. A clock is going back. Yes. Let me go back, like this clock. I will change everything ". In that moment the sword hits her, but Sofia feels for an istant the pain then nothing. She opens her eyes and she is in her bed in her stepfather mansion.

Sofia murmur to herself "I went really in the past". Noticing her hands, smaller than before. She sit down on her bed and begin to streach herself. In that moment the door opens and a maid enter. "It's time to get up miss. Or we will be late for breakfast". The maid has black hair and black eyes and she is wearing a maid uniform. When the maid notice that Sofia is awake, begin to have tears in her eyes. "Oh my, miss. What kind of miracle happened to let you awake, my lady?" "That it's rude, Lola. " "Oh, I am sorry, my lady. I didn't mean it" Lola says while bows. "I know. Don't worry. It ended up like this, that's all. " "I understand. But we still have to hurry, my lady " "You are right. However I am unsure to what to wear. Can you choose the dress for me Lola?" "Of course, my lady. Do you want something in particolar?" "Maybe... a dress with something white on it" "Very well miss. What do you think about this dress? Green and white. It's simple but elegant at the same time. Plus it's really suites you, my lady " "Then I will trust you ". After Sofia is ready, she looks herself in the mirror. "Lola" "Yes miss? You don't like it? I will change everything you want " " No. You did a great job. I love this dress and the hairstyle you choose. I wouldn't change anything " "Oh my ,miss. Thanks to much " " I should be the one to say that, Lola. Thanks " " It's my pleasure, my lady " .

While Sofia and Lola leave the room Sofia ask "Lola, I know it can be a weird question, but what day it's today?" "You mean the date my lady? It's the 4th of Octuber 165 of the empire calender " "Thanks Lola " " No need to thanking me miss. It's my work".

Sofia realize then that she went 7 years back in time. Sofia thinks what happened in this period. She arrive in the mansion with her mother two months before, after the wedding between her mother and her stepfather, Count Plare. Sofia remembers that she always had problems to wake up and she always treate poorly the people next to her. Lola was one of them, but even so she always support Sofia until she kill her. Sofia decided to take revenge for what Dorothy did to her and her mother. For doing so Sofia must gain power and money. She decide that she would a plan to gain both and to manage her stepsister and stepbrother.

Lola and Sofia arrive at the lunchroom, where there are: Gloria Plare, her biological mother, Gregory Plare, her stepfather, Peter Plare, her stepbrother, and Dorothy Plare, her stepsister. Sofia greet them and apologize them for waiting for her. Everyone was confuse and surprise, maids and the Count family. The Count say that it was ok and that she can sit and Sofia do so. They begin to talk about some business of the Count that aren't going well, then Dorothy say "Father may I suggest something?" "Sure. Go on, Dorothy " " I think a business can be really successfull can be the corset. It's beginning to be popolar for two years to now. I think it's the right choice " she finished. Sofia thinks that she is really dumb. "May I say something as well, father?" "Y-you? Of course. Sharing ideas is always good " "Without dout, Dorothy has a point that the curset between young ladies are quite often, but if it would become a tread it would already happened. I think a good investiment can be on the flowers " "Flowers?" "Yes. Flowers are everywhere in a noble house. This room for exemple. Only in this room there are two bouque of flowers different every morning on the table and as well at the corners of the room. Plus my room, like mother and sister rooms have every morning fresh flowers. And I heard a rumor that nobles begin to build around five greengardens in five different mansions. So a lot of flowers will be request." Everyone is shock about what Sofia said. Peter is really pist. Then with an angelic face ask "Did I say something wrong?" "Oh no. Everything is great" answar the Count. "In reality I was asking to Dorothy, father. She is pail. Do you feel unwell, sister?" Noticing what Sofia is talking about, Gregory looks towards Dorothy. "Dorothy. Are you ill? " He says. "Oh no, father and sister. I am just hungry." "You are right. We are talking for a while now. Bring the food" "Yes, my lord." Before the food is serve, the Count let his butler go near him. Sofia understand is about what she said and she is enjoying watching Dorothy embarassed face. Sofia is planning to destroy her and the entire family, but also all the aristocratics that think to early more money. Finish breakfast everyone go to say goodbye to Peter, that leave for the Accademy. After they see Peter go off, then everyone go separates ways.

Sofia, when she is in her room with Lola, ask for a pen and some paper, then she ask Lola to leave her alone. She begin to write the events that she remember in her past life.

8th Octuber 165: Mary Solen manners teacher

15th Octuber165: duke Elixir sister come back from Mastra kingdom

7th November 165: Casinò problem solve

25th December 165 :Chrismast fiasco, Casinò problem

9th Jennuary 166: new tutors

26th Jennuary 166: Baron Paren oil business

15th Febrary 166: princess from the North brings fur

28th Febrary 167: sugar crisis

20th March 167: assassin attempt to duke Elixir

1st May 167: Baron Paren silk business

10th June 167: lady Urion coming on age ceromany

27th July 168: lady Salvatore win sword competicion

3rd September: father birthday

7th September: Dorothy birthday

9th September:Sofia birthday

21st Octuber 168: Baron Paren profume business

30th November 168: mr Urion-Dorothy endargement

1st Jennuary 169: crown prince birthday

2nd Febrary 169: Mary Solen coming on age ceromany

30th April 169: lady Veren become Relina

21st June 170: Mary Solen-duke Elixir marrige

11th September 170: cure to rare illness

2nd April 171: war with Arab kingdom, Beatrice death

1st Jennuary 172: crown prince coming on age ceromany

20th Jennuary 172: crown prince-lady Urion marrige

23rd September 172: Sofia death

This are the interesting events in the years. Sofia doesn't wants to change all of them, but becoming usefull. To give her the time to destroy them.