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Taming The Billionaire

Taming The Billionaire

Autor:Ela Osaretin


He tucked her hair behind her ear.Her breath hitched at the contact and she leaned her head slightly into his fingers. His eyes softened and he ran his thumb across her lower lip.Her blood seared in her veins. "There's something about you,Jessica,that calls to me on some deep level that I don't understand.It's a siren's call.I can't resist you" He held her hand,his thumb stroked her knuckles,back and forth and her heart skipped a beat as her breathing changes. After a bitter break up that leaves him scarred both emotionally and physically,Billionaire Raphael Montgomery had pretty much gotten used to feeling numb about everything and everyone. But there’s something about his new wife.
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Jessica Howard sighed as the cool evening’s breeze seemed to soothe her soul a bit.

She had just close from her part time job and was heading home.


Should she really call it that?

From what she was told,her birth mother was a stripper.

Her father,Julius had an affair with her mother and he was married at that time.

In the note her mother had left when she abandoned her,she had let Julius know that by the time she had discovered she was pregnant,it had been too late to get rid of the pregnancy.

But she felt she couldn’t let her life get ruined with a child so she dumped Jessica on Julius’s doorstep.

The only thing she had left the baby with was a note.

Julius had a DNA test done that confirmed she was really his son but Jessica’s appearance in his life had been too hard to accept,especially for his wife,Nadine.

Because of that,Jessica had grown up to rely only herself.The only family she knows never wastes any time in letting her know that they hate her.

As Jessica got to the front door,she released a breath she didn’t even know she had been holding,she stretched her hand to the doorknob but paused when she hear something shattering.

“No!I do not want to marry Raphael Montgomery!”And that was her half sister,Celia.

Jessica was only two months older that her.

“Dad,how can you ask me something like this?It’s as if you are ending my life!Everyone calls him a monster and he has a monstrous look with scars and all!He has been married three times!Three fucking times?!We had watched those women’s interviews together.Two of them had been admitted to the rehab and the last one spoke about how he almost killed her!Did you forget all these already?”

Jessica stood there wondering if she should go in or not.

The atmosphere seemed very tense inside.

“How can you even ask our daughter to marry someone like that?!Julius,do you really have a death wish for our daughter?!

“I’m losing everything,okay?!I’m doing everything I can not to go bankrupt!When I heard a wife interview was being held by the Montgomery’s,when I heard about the money the bride would be getting.I just thought about how that would save my financial status.I wouldn’t have to lose the hoise or the company.”

“Just how much is the money?”Nadine asked with an eye-roll.

“A hundred million dollars.”Julius replied.

And then his wife’s eyes dilated.

That could really solve their financial problems.

“The problem now is that I already secured a spot in the interview list.I already arranged the date she would be going.Trust me,it wasn’t easy doing all that and it states clearly that the Montgomery would not take been stood up by anyone.The consequences of Celia not going would be grave.”

Mother and daughter felt scared beyond words.

Grave consequences?

Still,Celia didn’t want to put her life on the line.

She would never marry a man like that.

Not in a million years!

“What about Jessie?She’s just a filthy bitch like her mother and if anyone should marry an horrific man like Raphael,it should be her!”Celia yelled.

“Don’t call her a bitch.”Julius scolded.

Nadine sat beside Julius.

“Honey,think about it,Celia still has a lot of plans for her life but Jessica seems to have no plans.She’s the best fit for Raphael.Even after her mother had dumped her on our doorstep,we raised her like our own,I raised her and overlooked the fact that you had cheated on me!I think now is the time for Jessie to repay our kindness.”Nadine persuaded.

Still standing by the door,Jessica’s teeth clenched.

Raised her like their own?

Julius and Nadine never did that!

Each day,they didn’t fail to remind her that she was only an illegitimate child.

Each day,she prayed and hoped to have enough money so she could go live her life all on her own.

It wasn’t fair that she took all the blames for her father’s affair.

It wasn’t fair to be looked down on because of her mother’s occupation.

When will they understand that everything that happened before she was born wasn’t her fault?!

And now,she was being considered as the best fit for a monster.

She sighed as she briefly thought about the bright side.

Maybe this is the opportunity she had been looking for.

Everyone knows Raphael Montgomery and everyone know his past marriages didn’t last long.

She could just agree to marry him and use that as an opportunity to cut ties with this family of hers and no one would make her feel guilty about it.

She swallowed when she thought about the horrible things she had heard about Raphael.

Some of his past wife had almost lost their lives.

She tried to think positively that he wouldn’t possibly kill her,would he?

Just how bad was that man anyway?