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Goddess In The Sheets

Goddess In The Sheets

Autor:Sylvia Russell


Rooster is the head of the biker gang with an independent wife. Temperance is a wildcat, and he is trying to tame her. Esmerelda is a member of the gang and wants to escape the gang life. She is held captive by Magnus. Magnus is drug lord. Esmerelda believes they are married. Magnus tries to make her love him while holding her captive. The gang is determined to rescue her. Mangus wants her influence with the biker gangs to build his kingdom. Will she return to the gang? Will she fall in love Magnus?
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Magnus is standing at the corner of Red Bridge Road. Esmeralda catches his attention with her beautiful smile and sex appeal. She has black hair, sexual appeal like he had never seen before. Esmeralda wore a black leather dress and black boots. She is the perfect candidate to help him build his kingdom. Esmeralda is a hooker by trade. She fled the biker gang and was now on her own.

She was a member of the Shadow Raiders Biker Gang since she was born. Her parents, Gunner and Ginger, were a member of the gang five years before she was born. She wanted to escape gang life. The gang would have wild parties, and Esmeralda would have to serve the beer. One night, she served a beer to Rooster, leader of the gang. It was not icy cold enough for him. Rooster backhanded her in the face after swallowing the beer. The slapping was her punishment for serving him a hot beer.

Rooster and Gunner were friends since Ms. Astons’ second grade elementary class. Rooster was with him when he fought. Gunner would chase the girls on the playground. When he caught them, he would kiss them on the cheek. Gunner was always a playboy until he met Ginger. Everything changes. He thought she had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. In response to his attempts to kiss her, she would kick him in the shin. He hopped around on one leg. Yelling, what did you do that for? I was only trying to kiss you. Ginger that hurt. You need to kiss it and make it better. You can kiss me on the lips instead of the leg. I can rock your world.

Gunner and Ginger fell in love at first sight and were married. When Gunner and Ginger were married, Gunner stopped doing all the wild, crazy things with Rooster. The wild drinking, drug, and sex parties would no longer be a part of his life. He loved Ginger and was faithful to her. His wild days of ripping and warring with Rooster was over. Rooster had bitterness toward Gunner. He lost his best friend, and he had betrayed him by turning his back on him. Rooster didn’t understand he wanted a wife and children.

During a dark, rainy night in June, Gunner was on his motorcycle going to camp. A drunk driver on a pickup truck was speeding around a curve. The headlights headed straight for him. He tried to avoid the situation. There wasn’t enough time to react. Gunner died. Esmeralda was ten years old. It devastated her losing her father.

The worst day of her life, the gang threw Esmeralda a party. Drinking, drugs, sex, and everything in between. Esmeralda lost her virginity to Rooster it made her a biker woman. Men were teaching her how to become a hooker. Men like and they expect you to do it. This is how she pleases men and gives them pleasure.

Rooster, the leader of the gang, taught her oral sex. The rest of the gang had sex with her for sexual satisfaction. Rooster delighted in her transformation into a hooker. This meant more money for the gang. Having money made them more powerful. This meant more drugs, parties, and drinking. It made sense that they would want women to support them. Using the hooker, they could achieve their goal. There weren’t many wives among the gang. Rooster had to approve the decision.

Women in the gang were under Rooster’s control, and no one questioned him. It was his way or the highway. Rooster joined the gang when he was young. It was his way of escaping from his abusive family. They gave him a home that was not abusive. Men were in control and he loved it. Men were head of the gang. Women were inferior. Years passed, the leaders died, and Rooster became the oldest member of the gang. He took the role as leader.

When Rooster became the leader, everything revolved around him. They followed his orders. Rooster had all the women, drugs, and beer he wanted. There was nothing else he wanted. Temperance joined the gang when he turned thirty. Temperance was in her twenties. Her temper was unpredictable. He wanted to control her. It was impossible to control her. The woman he desired as a wife was Temperance. Making her his bride proved to be a challenge. He had to tame this wild and free-spirited woman.

Rooster told her to get him a beer. With evil eyes, she gazed at him. She stated, who was your bitch yesterday? Go get your own beer. You will get your own beer if you want it because I am not. She left the room after she stomped. She is a wild cat, and I plan on taming her. Everyone laughed. Rooster had gotten into more trouble than he could handle. It was embarrassing for him to appear weak in front of the gang. She was new to the gang and was trying to control Rooster.

The members talked about it being a sight to see. Rooster and Temperance battling for control was entertaining for the gang. Rooster ordered Temperance to bring him some water. Temperance said I will be glad to bring you some water. How about a bucket full? She brought a bucket of water and poured it all over him. She said, You know you needed a bath. How do you like that? How about some soap with it? She started throwing bars of soap at him. He was sitting in the chair. Yelling stop that hurts. What is wrong with you? You done gone crazy?

Spider was standing beside Rooster. Spiders threw back his head laughed loudly. His knees buckled, he fell to the ground, and it filled his eyes with tears of laughter. Rooster laughed along with the gang. He knew she was a wild one. He would have a hard time taming her. Temperance was determined that no man would rule her. She wanted her man and independence. Rooster believed she was below him. Men are born leaders. Barefoot and pregnant are the only places for a wife.

Rooster believed that getting Temperance pregnant would settle her down. Temperance did not want a child. She wanted to be free with nothing holding her down. Rooster insisted they have a child together. It was the duty of a wife to give him a son. A wife was supposed to give her husband children. She was supposed to love him. He was supposed to be the leader of the house.

Temperance disagreed with him. She was equal. She wanted to decide for her body. Temperance wanted to choose her own clothes. Temperance remembered when she wanted a romantic day with Rooster. She wanted to spend the day at the beach together. She put on a bikini bathing suit and entered Rooster’s room. He became angry. He went into the bedroom and retrieved a blanket. She thought the blanket was for them to lie on the beach.

Rooster threw the blanket at her. He ordered her to get some clothes. No man was going to see that. What you trying to do? You look like a hooker. My wife won’t dress like that. Temperance looked at him with fire in her eyes. She stated, I don’t know who you think you are. You don’t tell me what to wear. You can go to hell. How do you like that? I will go to the beach and leave you here. You can just stay and drink with your buddies. See what they can do for you. When you want to be satisfied, you call them. Rooster didn’t know how to respond. Get on some clothes. You are not going without me. Temperance stormed out the door. Rooster ran out the door after her. Temperance took the motorcycle and left him in the yard looking stupid. Rooster started shaking his head. She will be the death of me.

Temperance became pregnant. Rooster could not be happier. He knew a child would tame Temperance. Temperance was experiencing morning sickness. Any food smell made her vomit. Rooster told her to cook grits and eggs for breakfast. Temperance said sarcastically, Alright Baby I will be glad to. The member of the gang started laughing. They knew something funny was fixing to happen. Rooster told them to be quiet. She is just being nice today. Spider laughed and said You just wait and see. She has something planned for you.

Temperance walks into the kitchen and set the table. She calls for the gang to come and eat breakfast. Rooster sits at the table. Only men may sit at the table. The women sat with the children. Rooster was waiting for her to serve him breakfast. Temperance brought a pot of coffee to the table. She went to the stove and brought Rooster his meal. She said, wait Honey I forgot to make your toast. Temperance went to the stove and made him a special piece of toast. A piece of toast with Ex-lax spread on top. She sprinkled powdered sugar over it and tops it off with syrup.

She made a new pastry for him. Rooster ate the toast. While sitting at the table, his stomach started roaring and cramping. He started farting and everyone at the table ran out of the room, vomiting. Rooster started running to the bathroom. He did not make it in time. He pooped in his pants. The poop was running down his leg into his shoes. Temperance busted out laughing. She said you all laugh now. See how it feels to be sick every morning?

Rooster was furious. He yelled at Temperance you trying to kill me. Why did you do that to me? See how it feels to be sick? Rooster stated I will get you back for that. Rooster stood up and started pulling his pants up. He had to hurry and sit down. Rooster had diarrhea.

After thirty minutes in the bathroom. He joined the gang outside. They were all sitting around the fire. Rooster farted. Spider said Man, get away from here. You smell like a buzzard. You might need to check your drawers. Rooster stood up to leave. Spider started laughing. He said you need a diaper. Spider thought he would never stop laughing. It was hilarious. He ran to the bathroom.

Rooster started yelling, Temperance, if I ever get my hands on you, I will kill you for this. The laughter of Temperance echoed through the house. As he screamed, it filled his voice with anger. Temperance, stop laughing. Spider’s scornful, uncontrollable laugh made Rooster so mad you could see steam coming out of his ears. The gang had an enjoyable day.