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Part Of Me

Part Of Me



Avni mehta, a 17 year old Indian moves to London with her parents. After spending her entire life in India, Avni finds London another challenge for her. While trying to hide her anxiety disorder from everyone, what will happen when her parents forces her to start school and she meets Jay, the school sweetheart but a hater of all indians. Amist all this problems, will Avni be able to keep her sanity or will her anxiety consume her.
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“Avni darling, please come downstairs. Your dad has been waiting for the both of us for the past 10 minutes and you know how much he hates waiting" my mom yelled from downstairs.

"Coming ma. I just need a minute" I yelled back down.

I zipped close my suitcase before letting out a sigh. My suitcase and I both got off my bed and I took one final look at the bedroom I had been staying in for the past 10 years. A tear escaped my eyes as I remembered all the good memories I had made in this room. “This isn't goodbye" I said before wiping the tears away and leaving the room.

As I walked down the stairs, I could see my mom busy tapping her feet anxiously. She knew how much my dad hated waiting and also didn't like to make him wait. I got downstairs with my suitcase and made to my mom. She smiled at me as I faced her. I bent down to touch her feet and in return she blessed me.

"God bless you my dear" she said as I got up.

"Divya, Avni, if you ladies are done can we please go. If we don't leave now we are going to miss our flight" my dad yelled from outside.

"Coming Ramesh" my mom said with a grin. She looked at me and I also looked back at her with grin. We both knew that my dad was already getting annoyed.

"Shall we?" My mom asked me. I nodded with a smile and then we both went outside while the servant carried my suitcase to the car.

"So finally you both decided to come out, I thought that you both were going to stay there forever" my dad taunted with a smirk.

"Stop it Ramesh" my mom scolded as she hit his arm.

" why are you hitting me Divya? My dad asked cutely.

"Do you want more? Shall I hit you some more? My mom threateningly asked with her hand raised.

"Sorry sorry divya, shall we go now? He asked with a smile. Mom smiled back at him and then nodded her head.

We all got into the car and on our way to the airport. The journey to the airport consisted of my mom telling my dad about shopping in London while I was left to my thoughts. I snapped out if it and focused on my parents who were busy getting excited about London. I smiled.

"They really look excited" I told myself.

We got to the airport and after checking in, we got on the plane.

We were flying first class and for somebody like me and with my type of personality, first class was such a relieve. We took our seats and after a few minute we heared an announcement from the pilot.

"Hello everybody, this is your pilot, Captain shlok metha, we are about to take off, please fasten your seat belt and await take off".

I did my seat belt after watching how my parents did theirs. I relaxed my back backwards and started inhaling and exhaling in and out.

"Deep breathes Avni. Just take deep breaths" I said to myself as my heart began to race. My body was becoming really shaky and it seemed like everything was closing up on me.

"Avni, are you alright dear?" My dad asked worriedly.

I looked at him from my seat and flashed him a weak smile. I looked away and took even deeper breaths. “calm down Avni. "Calm down" I told myself.

The plane got into position, moved on the run way before taking off into the sky. By that time, I was already calming down. I looked at my parents again who were still worried and gave them the "it's all good" look. They sighed gratefully before flashing me a smile.

I felt so sorry for them. I really did. They had to deal with this type of situation at any place and any time. I gave my mom a signal that I needed water and she dutifully ringed for the air hostess and requested water.

The air hostess brought my mom the water but mom told her that I was the one who needed the water. She came over to my seat and gave me the glass of water with a smile.

I gratefully took the water and used it to take my medicine. I needed to avoid this type of situation at any cost and if pills were the way out then I would gladly take them.

I handed the glass back to her and then closed my eyes to take some rest. Almost immediately, my eyes shot back open.

I darted a look at my parents, they were already fast asleep!. "Unbelievable" I said under my breath.

I could definitely. understand why they were tired, considering the one week of packing we had just observed.

I for one couldn't sleep. I was tired from all the packing but I still couldn't fall asleep. Why? Cause I kept on worrying. About what? Well, about everything. So many thoughts ran in my head but the main reasons for my worries could be summarized to the fact that I was on a plane which was taking me to an unknown land by the name of "London". I didn't know what to expect and I was fearful of not knowing what to expect, not knowing what the future held for me in London. Unlike normal people, I wasn't the type to sit and wait to see what would happen. I needed to plan so that I would have the solution to every problem that I would face.

"A girl who has spent her entire life in india, refused to interact with people for so long and doesn't even have basic communication skills really think that she can survive in London" my mind scared me.

I was immediately gripped with fear. My mind wasn't lying. I was a girl who had spent her entire life in India. I never came out, never interacted with people and the only people that I did interact with were my parents but most of the time I was in my room, wallowing in my misery. I wondered why we had to leave india. Going to London was just going to be another challenge for me and trust me, I hated challenges.