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El Roommate

El Roommate



New school years call for new beginnings and of course new endings. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) for Caleb, his new beginning consists of a constantly horny pale roommate and ends with a crash. This year should have more than enough entertainment for him ...
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There were many exciting things that happened in life.

Rooming with a stranger wasn't one of those things.

In fact, it was the complete opposite.

Caleb liked to be by himself. So having to share a space with someone, especially someone he didn’t even know was dreadful. Which was why he decided to get an apartment instead of a dorm on campus.

He could always retreat to his room if he needed to.

Luckily, this was his sophomore year. And he'd only have to deal with this for two more years. Then he could move back into his parents’ house and stay in his room.

Stupid logic. But whatever.

Luckily, one of his friends

surprisingly he has a few

told him about a friend who was looking for a roommate. And if he remembered correctly, his name was Min Ho or something like that. If Caleb was lucky, this Min Ho guy would have a lot of money and maybe he’d spice up the apartment a bit with expensive decor. He sounded rich after all.

Or at least like he'd have money.

Maybe he'd be snobby and stay in his room all day.

The doorbell rang and Caleb slid his seat back from his table

yes, he was waiting for Min Ho

and then left the room, closing the door behind him before making his way to the front door, glancing down at his wrist watch.

At least he's punctual.

It was 8:30am. Which was the exact time Caleb told Minho to bring his stuff.

Caleb opened the front door and froze. He wasn't sure if his mouth had been hanging open. And he wouldn’t even be upset if it was. 'Cause you know those moments when the super hot guy or gyal makes their first appearance on screen and everyone else in the movie or show just swoons uncontrollably over them?

This was one of those moments.

Minho was a tall, semi-built, hot hot hot Asian guy. Despite the fact that his skin was very pale, something about him glowed. Maybe it was his aura.

"Are you just gonna stand there or let me in?" On his back was a backpack. And on either side of him sat a luggage bag. Caleb had been too busy oogling him to even realise he was holding things. But upon Minho’s remark, Caleb looked down.

Holding the handles of those luggage bags were two manly-looking muscular hands.

Caleb didn't have a choking kink. But he was sure that he could change up His preferences for this god that stood before him. "Uh yeah. Of course." The apartment owner stepped to the side to let Minho in, not-so-discreetly checking out the guy's veiny arms and firm butt as he entered the apartment.

"Your room is the one at the end of the hall." He said.


Usually, Caleb would've taken the room at the end of the hall. Because the room at the end of the hall was always the biggest. And he liked to have a spacious room because he'd have enough space to set up his music stuff.

But this apartment had three rooms. So he just used the extra room as his studio.

"I have more stuff outside in my truck. Can you help me bring it in?"

Not quite being able to trust his mouth at that moment, Caleb decided that it’d be best to respond with just a nod.

And nothing more. No matter how bad he wanted to open his mouth …

"Cool." And after putting his stuff in his room, Minho was back out.

"Fuck me. I think I wouldn't mind being social this year....."

Moving Minho's stuff in didn't take as long as Caleb thought it would.


By 9:00 all of the male's luggage was in his room and the two were now sitting at the dining room table eating breakfast and discussing stuff.

"How old are you?" Caleb enquired, watching as the stranger-turned-roommate ran a hand through his wavy blond locks, removing any loose strands from his face and then took a sip of his water to cleanse his mouth before speaking.

It’d be a shame if some food flew out while he was talking. Not that he cared what Caleb would think of him … after all, they were gonna be just roommates.


And as if his looks weren't enough to pull anyone in, Minho just had to have this sexy ass baritone voice.

Silky and smooth. Deep and resonant.


"So you're a ..."

"Junior. I'm a junior." Even though Minho could literally feel Caleb checking him out, he decided to pay it no mind and continue to eat his cereal.

"Ah. I'm a sophomore."

"Ha. That means you have to call me Hyung.” there was a cocky tone laced in Minho's voice. And Caleb couldn’t miss the shit-eating smirk that graced his pale face. Any other time he would’ve been a little angered at the smirk. But he decided to excuse it only because a smirk looked so sexy on Minho.


"It's a cultural thing. Where my family is from, dudes call older dudes ‘hyung.’”

"And where is your family from?" Caleb inquired, genuinely curious to know more about this pale god that sat before him.

Yeah. He was attractive and all. But Caleb decided that it was best to actually get to know his new roommate and not judge him based on his looks.

"Korea. Well, my mum is. My dad's from Quebec."

"Really? How did they meet?"

"Some concert in Toronto. I forgot which one though."

Caleb let out a snort of laughter before quickly composing himself. "That's funny. I didn't know stuff like that happens."

"Me neither. But here they are ... 31 years later..."

Caleb smiled a bit. It was always nice to hear about people who have been together for so long. Because then it gave him hope that his next relationship could have some length to it.

His longest relationship lasted for a year. And it ended because his boyfriend broke up with him over something stupid. He texted him a few weeks later apologising and asking for a second chance.

But Caleb ignored him. If it was easy for him to drop him over something so stupid then there was really no point in getting back together.

The cereal, now all soggy and room-temperature, sat there clearly forgotten as the two boys chatted. Minho didn’t mind though. Not at all. After all his years of being around, no one had been interested in getting to know him. Sure, he was another attractive face. But he was more than that attractive face and body. He did have desires, thoughts, feelings …

The little voice in the back of his head nagged at him, telling him that Caleb was only pretending to be interested. Or only getting to know him because they were going to be living together. But he didn’t care. Not one bit.

"What are you majoring in?"

"My major is Dance.."

"Really?" Caleb hadn't met anyone so far who was majoring in dance.

But once again, he hadn't really met anyone. Not really. Being a loner had its benefits at times. But there were some moments he wished he knew more people. Of course there were other students in his classes, but they didn’t interest him much.

Or rather, he didn’t interest them.

"So you like music?"

Minho nodded, taking a sip of his water. "I love music."

"Really? You know I make music? The first door on the right is my studio."

This was exciting. Now that he knew Minho was interested in music, he'd feel a bit more at ease when he was doing his thing.

"Ah. That's cool. So you're majoring in music?"

"No. Actually,” he paused and offered a small smile. “I'm majoring in business administration and management ..."

Slowly, Minho nodded. All of this was new for him. He too was used to staying by himself. He wasn't really a people person.

Not in the usual way, at least.

But Caleb wasn't that bad.

This could work out.