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"Legend of Weedpreneur"

"Legend of Weedpreneur"

Autor:Sodium Chloride


A crackhead who once lived a life full of crime and crazininess will soon rexeperience a life in the fantasy world spreading his influence as a crackhead. During his time as a crackhead on Earth, he had committed many atrocities and made many enemies until the law found him and sentenced him to death. He chose to die willingly to put an end to his suffering, he was electrified to death then was flung to the isekai world.
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  Blood flowed deep in his veins, he ran and ran pushing past people and entered a bathroom stall. "Okay, I stole a kid's lolipop and slapped a karen. Check that." He rolled an arm across his jaw, then he brings his feet to the toilet as soon as men poured into thr bathroom.

  "You heard of that dude named Sock Man?" One of the men say.

  "Sock man? Pretty sure you're talking about the drug dealer kid. Right? He also sells three piece cheetos for the price of twenty five cents." The other replied.

  "No, that's shad boy. Sock Man. The guy on the news saying he's one of the people from a superhero community. But from what I heard he's been following old ladies around." The male corrected.

  "Old ladies around? I thought that was a rumor. Rumor says he pays 'em to have fun with them. Really weird. Didn't he once exclaim 'My dick is outta oxygen!' Thing?"

  "Where the hell did you hear that one from?"

  "He was in my neighborhood. Kinda weird."

  "You never mentioned that once?"

  Then the men notice the door was swinging inwards and outwards, crap and toilet paper splotched the handle.

  "The fuck, yo! Who would do that?" The men were now disgusted to even leave.

  "Let me call my one friend who has that shit fetish." The second one said, dialing a number on his phone.

  The blonde nearly bumped into a grandma nearly tall as a door. "Watch where you're goin'!" She whipped out an aluminium bat swinging it across his face, he skidded back to the wall.

  "You crazy old lady! I didn't even touch you!" He exclaimed as he rubbed his jaw.

  He noticed there were wanted posters of him, on the columns, the walls, the stores in the mall. He approached it and took out a pen. "Let's just change a bit of that." He said then the poster moved its face muscles and eyes, training it on him.

  "Listen here, you crackhead. You gotta get your A game, give me the best makeover. Or I'll call the goddamn cops on you." A raspy voice.

  "Psst." A voice said mere feet below. A shoe with a face?

  "It's me son, I'm a pickle! Eat me, foo'!" He exclaimed then the blonde extended his hand to the shoe.

  "I'm the new breed of pickle! I got arms and a better fit for the ladies!" It exclaimed.

  "Listen to his words of wisdom." The poster said.

  "You're gonna fuckin' die soon son, it's pretty damn funny too. The writer is just gonna make crack out of you and the funny part is he hasn't even started smokin'.Yeah, how's it feel to be some figment of imagination? That's why people here are fuckin' dumb. We're gonna blow up, you idio--" Before the shoe could finish the talking, stun batons hammered on the male putting him down.

  The policemen then whipped out their cuffs. "Now we have the son of a bitch." Then he was cuffed, then hoisted off the floor.

  "You're gonna fuckin' die! You're gonna fuckin' die!" More of those posters said in unison, he swayed his head side to side then he was taken outside to the parking lot.

  The police car sat idly, then he was shoved into the backseat. "I used to be a professional singer." The blonde stated.

  "Wait! You were the Radical Jonathan?" The police officer's partner said.

  "Give me a beat to work with, dawg." He replied to the other.

  The other policeman whipped out his harmonica.

  "Oh yeeeeeeeahhhhh! It's time to get nerdy in here! Take your periodic table out and shit silicons on the floor. Uh oh~ You gotta get nerdy in here. Take your glasses off and your rockets out. Uh oh~ Call me doctor Arthur Arden! Uh oh! Drop your chemicals and stare at your periodic table!" He sang.

  The two police officers banged their heads then they crashed into a lightpost.

  The two passed out as the blonde crawls to freedom, stepping out of the car then taking something from one of the policemen.

  "If I said weedy in here. They would've recognized me as Jonathan." He muttered, discarding the cuffs and saw an "easy" button on the deck. He pressed the button then a robotic voice spoke "That was easy."

  "If I am correct my apartment should be just two blocks away." He said to himself.

  He scurried away from the scene.

  Two hobos stared off at the distance, pouring alcohol into their guts.

  "Was that really happening? I think we're too drunk. A police car crashing in the streets. As if that's ever happened." One of them with a thick southerner accent said.

  "That happened you dumb fuck. When I'm drunk my brain cells work at one hundred percent." His friend replied.

  "You callin' me a dumbfuck? You were kicked outta school!" He snapped.

  "I was kicked out because I drank everyday to be smart. What about you? You don't have a brain that works that way." He replied.

  "When do brains even work that way?!" He snarled.

  "Because my brain requires different things unlike you, you dumb fuck!"

  "That makes zero sense!" And they just kept on bickering.


  Jonathan found his apartment room trashed, he didn't remember leaving it that way. A bed. A portait of Mona Lisa. A bust. A cabinet

  An Armoire. A thick shroud of smoke filled the room, he began to see a figure mold infront of him a butterfly of smoke.

  "You gotta book it, foo' the cameras saw you escape. You got like an hour before they send a swat team your way." It said to him.

  "First of all. I just got here. And who the fuck are you."

  "Your goddamn head that's what foo'. How about I kick your ass just to get you outta danger?" It exclaimed.

  "I'm seein things, maybe I should take different weeds and see if I'll see God." He went to his cabinet and sniffed assorted drugs then went out of his place seeing things in all sorts of dimensions.

  He found a scraggly bearded man, dressed in white cloth.

  "Are you Jesus?" Jonathan paused as he looked at the figure down the street.

  "Do I look like him?" In truth, it was actually just some random vegan.

  "You are God. Wow, this is something new. Am in purgatory or hell or the paradise?" Jonathan replied.

  "You are high as fuck dude. Your eyes are red as heck." The vegan has pointed out.

  "And I thought the lord said no to cursing." He replied to the other.

  "Can I say fuck a bunch?" He added.

  "You seriously think I'm Jesus?" The vegan raised a brow.

  "Yes, aren't you supposed to be Him? I'm not religious but this is pretty damn nice." Then the vegan whacked his head with a beer bottle, dropping him to the floor.

  He fell forward, head dizzy, then he crawled to his feet towards the alleway. "THE LORD EXISTS! I'M NOT A GODDAMN ATHEIST ANYMORE! FUCK YOU SCIENCE!!" He rose to his feet and exclaimed.

  The people from their apartments tossed old food at him. "This guy is noisy as hell!" They exclaimed.

  "Yes! Give me that good shit!" And Jonathan ate the food they gave to him then the others spilled their lunch at sight.

  "I am God's messenger and all of you are his cunts!" He exclaimed, tossing his fist at them as he swallowed.

  Then the windows shut.

  "Whatever. I'm gonna... fuck!" He chucked out his insides as the sounds of sirens blare.