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The Royals

The Royals

Autor:Tori Kitt


Eris Evens has always been shy and antisocial. She grew up as an only child and never really bothered to try and make friends. She had finally gotten used to everyone ignoring her like she was invisible, until the day she met Avalon Baron and all the craziness that comes with her.
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I couldn’t sleep last night.

My anxiety had me riled up, and so I just laid in bed staring at my ceiling until the first light of the morning peeked through my blinds and the birds started to sing. Today is the first day of the semester at college and my plan was simple; go to classes and stay out of people’s way.

All my life I had been in others way, which is why I never got close to anyone. And being an only child helped. I enjoyed being by myself, the solitude made me feel safe and comfortable because I didn’t need anyone not even friends. Because the only person I could actually count on was me. My parents not being around a lot played are part in it yes but to be honest I think it was because they just needed to make the whole “family” thing believable, they never really loved each other.

My parents met when my mom was eighteen and my dad was twenty-five. Both my grandfathers were business partners and were just beginning a new project together. My dad was set to take over from his dad only under the condition that he married my mother to merge the two businesses. Not wanting to disappoint either of their families they agreed. They play nice in front of guests but behind closed doors they next to never talk to each other because they’re always off cheating on the other.

When I turned sixteen I finally had enough and moved out. My parents didn’t say much either when I told them, only that I still had to attend parties and events to keep face and as long as I did that with out incident or problems they would pay for any expenses that I would have. And I agreed. Anything to get me out of the enormous house, the place that never felt like home and the parents who only needed me to pretend I was happy.

Now I’m nineteen and have been living on my own for three years. I had purposely found a small one bed apartment on the other side of town to be as far away from my parents as possible. I thought my place was perfect, not too big to feel lonely and not too small to be cramped. It was already equipped with some basic living supplies like fridge, stove and oven, and laundry hook ups. Everything else I had bought to liven up the place a bit.

I step out of the shower and look at myself in the mirror. My green eyes were still as dull as ever and my fiery orange curls fell down past my hips in a wet mess. As I dried myself my hair became thicker and hung in a way that made me look like a crazy witch, my sunken eyes and pale face didn't help much in looking less like a psycho either. I had a light breakfast since my fridge was almost bare and made a mental note to go shopping later. I avoided looking at my reflection as I passed the mirror in the entrance hall as I left. Locking the door behind me I take a deep breath as I calm the knots forming in my stomach.

I had managed to make the drive all the way to campus and park the car before I started feeling an anxiety attack coming.


So far so good I guess. There wasn't much to do in my morning classes, all the professors were doing were handing out syllabuses and explaining what we would be doing for our first projects. I had chosen my schedule in a way that would give me four days full of classes leaving me a three day weekend.

My last class of the morning ended and I headed to the food court which was in the middle of the campus. I turned the last corner and ran right into someone knocking us both to the ground and my head hit the side of the brick building.

"Shit! That hurt."

A short brunette crawled over to me with a worried look on her face.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay? I should've been watching where I was going."

She reached over and touched the back of my head, it was tender and the slightest touch from her fingers made me see stars.

The brunette is extremely beautiful. Her olive skin glowed under the freckles that were splashed across the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Her hair had honey highlights that made green eyes shine and wore a dark green dress with long sleeves.

Her sleeve had pulled back a little as she reached out and I was able to see a small cresent moon and sun tattoo on her wrist.

"No it's okay, it was my fault." I gently brushed her hand away standing and instantly felt everything start to spin.

"Hey, you hit your head really hard take it easy." The brunette caught me and wrapped my arm around her neck to balance me.

"I think we can both agree that it was both our fault." I laughed.

Wait...Did I really just laugh? I must've hit my head pretty hard.

"Let me help you to the nurse." The brunette didn't give me a chance to respond as she started dragging in the opposite direction.

"I'm Avalon by the way." She said.

"Eris." And then I threw up.

I woke up on a cot in a white room with the most excruciating head ach. The curtain drew back and the brunette, Avalon, was standing there.

"Hey she's awake Ms. Hannock!" I winced at how loud she was yelling.

"Sorry." she came and sat on the edge of the cot.

"How long have I been out for?"

"A couple hours," she shrugged. "We almost had to have you transferred to a hospital. When I brought you in the nurse said that you had a really bad concussion, but she said to wait a while to see if you would wake up."

If only they new the truth. The truth that I should be in a coma right now if I was anyone else. Because if I was human then I wouldn't be awake right now.

"Here." Avalon handed me a Burger King bag. "I figured you were on your way to lunch before the whole incident."

"Thanks. But you didn't have to."

Avalon pulled her own food out of her bag and we sat and talked while we ate.

"So your first day too?" I nodded.

" I was forced to come here. Originally I wanted to attend a college like three states over but my parents threatened to cut me off completely." She shrugged. " Now here I am."

I couldn't help but sympathize with her a little being as I also wanted to get as far away from this place and my family too.

We continued to talk and I found out that we actually have a few classes together. The nurse came and checked in on me every now and then and eventually gave the okay to leave.

"So which way are you heading?" Avalon stood next to me dusting the skirt of her dress.

It was now close to 6:30 pm and getting dark, my classes had all ended around two hours ago.

"Home. What about you?"

Avalon was just about to speak when a very tall and very angry looking man with jet plack hair and icy blue eyes came storming towards us. Just the sight of him made me want to turn heel and run.

But I didn't.

I stood my ground and watched as he got closer till he towered over both Avalon and I.

Now, I'm 5'5 and Avalon looked maybe an inch or two taller, but this man must be at least 6'4. Standing full view now I could see that he had three scars going from his left temple ending at the top of his lip. And his death glare was set straight on Avalon.

"Where have you been?! I've been looking for you everywhere." He scolded Avalon like she was a child.

"Doesn't it get tiring being an ass all the time?" She narrowed her eyes as she spoke.

The air was thick with awkward silence and they glared at each other not breaking eye contact.

" Well I'm just going to go. Thanks for making sure I was okay." I nodded at Avalon and began to slowly back away.

Then scary scar dude fixed his eyes on me and I froze.

"Who are you and what are you doing with Avalon?" He demands.

"First, lose the attitude and don't boss me around. I don't know you." Scary scar dude's eyes widened with shock as I spoke.

I guess no one has ever talked to him that way.

"And second, I'm nobody. I ran into Avalon by accident and hit my head, she helped me to the nurse and made sure I was okay."

They both stood there and stared at me like I had grown a second head as I spoke. Beginning to feel uncomfortable with the silence I turned and started walking away. I only made it a few steps before a hand grabbed my arm.

"Hey, can I at least make sure you get back to your place okay." Avalon pleaded with her eyes.

After a few seconds I gave in with a sigh and led her to my car. She gave me a smile as she held her hand outstreched to me, I rolled my eyes as I gave her my keys and watched her climb into the drivers seat. I sat myself in the passenger side as my phone chimed receiving a text message.

"Where too?"

"Cardinal street." I opened my phone and read the message, instantly feeling my headache coming back.

' Important dinner Friday at 7pm. Don't be late and look presentable.'
