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The Reaper's Bane

The Reaper's Bane



19 year old boy Tama Shirakami finds himself in a mansion of living dolls only to find out that he's one of them now. His body parts are said to be missing and a beautiful doll named Napellus, who claims to have Tama's missing heart, lends him a helping hand in finding his remaining parts which the other dolls have failed to do so, all so he could try and make Tama feel indebted to him. If ever Tama returns to his human state, he's given the choice to either go to the afterlife or kill the owner of the mansion. If he kills the owner, he can go to the afterlife WITH all the other dolls in the mansion which means a happy ending for everybody. Whatever the case, whatever Tama decides to do, Napellus will return his heart as promised. Just what kind of ending awaits everyone? Will Tama decide to go to the afterlife with them or will he choose to go alone? Will he even be able to return to his human state? And is trusting them in the first place really a good idea? Original Story | All Rights Reserved Written date: Jan 10, 2021 Published date: March 11, 2021 Completed date: (i wish)
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  I couldn't hear what they were all whispering about but I at least had an idea.

  First is that they're sad for me. I lost my family after all.

  Second is that they're wondering what will happen to me. I didn't know if I still have a relative.

  Last is about my mom.

  Years have already passed after that incident and I've moved forward but I haven't moved on.

  I remember that my mom was also the person I was thinking of back then. The moon was too bright and it overwhelmed the already glittering black sky.

  If my mom had seen this, she would've compared my sister to the moon even though obviously she's more like a star. For me, my mom was the moon... Anyhow, they used to be a set of a beautiful evening.

  That's why I said to the moon, "I don't think I ever mattered to you."

  And then, I took another step but this time, instead of moving forward,

  I'm moving on.

  Whispers began to reach the raven haired boy's senses. Sometimes there were even high pitched giggles. His annoyance to this was shown through his now furrowed eyebrows and a shift in his sleeping position. When all the noise started to be unbearable, he finally opened his dark brown eyes. A bunch of dolls were reflected in them.

  He abruptly sat up in bed. Now he can clearly much see the human-sized dolls that were standing against the wall and surrounding him, all facing towards him like they're watching. He realized he was in a dark and quiet room. Perhaps silence is more disturbing in this situation.

  This boy looks like he's around 18-20 years old. He has the perfectly thick eyebrows. He was wearing a black t-shirt, some blue jeans and some white sneakers. 


  A quick giggle came from his left and he immediately faced towards there. I definitely heard that. He gulped in fear. They're not... alive right? And just as he thought that-

  Nothing happened.

  He sighed. Where even is this place? He bounced his body up and down on the bed to feel the mattress. I really slept on this comfortable bed?

  "Pst." He immediately looked in front of him. He doesn't know which one of the dolls standing there did that. Some of them are smiling but he wasn't sure if they always did. In the end, he ended up staring at the doll in the center. It looked more like he was enchanted.

  The doll's hair and lashes were white like cotton. His skin was literal porcelain. His eyes were gray like silver. And he was the most beautiful man the astonished boy had ever seen. He was in a sophisticated white attire, much similar to that of a butler or a prince. He looked so much like a human but his beauty was otherworldly, same to all the other dolls... though he was still the most captivating that's why the boy couldn't take his eyes off him.

  He noticed the silver necklace hanging around this doll's neck. At the end of it was a heart-shaped locket. As he stared at it, he crawled out of the bed and walked towards the doll. He was a few inches away from him now... and as he reached for the locket necklace, the two dolls on both of the albino's side suddenly turned their heads to him, making him produce a very audible gasp. HUH?

  When he took a step back, he saw that all the dolls lining up in front of him are now facing him. They were also carrying a knife for some reason. "Stop." there's no wonder now that the albino doll was the one that spoke. The boy noticed that he was looking at his back so when he slowly turned to see what's going on, he gasped to the sight of a smiling doll that has her hands up in the air, like if it weren't for the albino's "stop", she would've stabbed him already.

  The boy couldn't say anything. His mouth was trembling along with his whole body. Things got worse for him when all of a sudden, loud thunder rumbled outside and lightning suddenly flashed the room, causing him to cower down in fear after seeing the smiling doll clearer. Her eyes and smile were all too wide and creepy. She had peach-colored low pigtails and was wearing a teal & beige dress. She was immobilized in a weird pose like she was truly a doll. He now also noticed the other dolls behind her. They all look creepy.

  He felt a touch on his shoulder. He looked up and saw the albino doll with his hand resting on his shoulder. His hand didn't feel warm at all... well, he IS a doll. His face went so close to the boy that when he smiled, the boy blushed a little. After he assisted him up, the boy remained speechless. The albino waved his hand at the dolls, signalling them to leave which they, in turn, followed. They now giggled, laughed, hummed, danced and pushed each other on their way back to the walls. It seemed as if nothing happened at all.

  "Sorry if that scared you."

  "Uhm..." There may be more than one reasons as to why his heart was beating so fast.

  The doll frowned. "Maybe that scared you too much?" Then he reached his hand out to fix the boy's bedhair but before he could, the boy suddenly regained his senses.

  "M-my name is Shirakami Tama! And I- ugh!" he tried recollecting his memories but his head started pounding. Other than his name, it's painful for him to remember anything else.

  "Don't push yourself." said the doll. Tama looked up at him. "It will take time for you to remember about your past life."


  "We'll get through all the mysteries later." He looked like he was used to this. "Oh, but first! What do you want me to call you?"

  "Uhm. Shirakami's fine."

  "Ok, Tama! Follow me!" What's wrong with him?

  He followed him anyway. Since he's still creeped out by the other dolls in the room, he scooted so close behind the white haired doll. I think I have a phobia of them now.

  Tama found it weird that after the albino opened the door, he first looked to his left and right before just heading off already. "Is something there?"

  "Yeah that's why we have to be really careful. Make sure not to make any noise, okay?" he said, placing his porcelain finger on his own rosy lips. Tama just nodded and also placed one on his own.

  The doll began to walk slowly, his feet gently touching the wooden floor everytime he takes a step. Tama, with the fear that something scary would happen if he doesn't do the same, copied him. Before Tama could make his 6th footstep, he suddenly felt a push behind his back, causing him to fall towards the doll's back and making a huge thump on the floor.

  Tama abruptly turned around to see who did it and saw a doll with short yellow hair standing with her hands forward, smiling so wide for what she just did. Tama gave her an annoyed look. He also realized now that the other dolls were standing behind her and were also amused by what happened. Some are now holding back their laughter.

  "Hey, do something about this, would y-" he tried to consult to the albino but was hushed right away....... There's a distant sound of footsteps.

  "It's already too late."

  "W-w-w-what do you mean?"

  "It's probably because of all the noise we made. She's going to check on us now... to see if we're having fun without her."

  "Who's her?"

  "The owner of this mansion, Betty."

  Tama's eyes widened. Based on how big the bedroom and this hallway is, I already figured this must be a mansion... Probably a haunted mansion to be exact... "What will happen if she finds us?"

  "Nothing special really... But for you, you're probably not gonna like it."


  The doll went closer to Tama and whispered, "If she gets you, she'll gush out your brain and eat it"

  "What?!" Tama was a bit loud then so the doll shushed him again. They focused on listening to the footsteps again but they couldn't hear them no more. They both slowly looked at each other.

  Tama is so scared now that his heart is beating faster than it ever did. He went too close to the doll's ear and even used his hand so that not a single vibration would come out when he whisper, "HOW ABOUT I HIDE IN THE BEDROOM WHILE YOU ALL DISTRACT HER?" He was so loud for the doll.

  He pushed Tama away for being so close before whispering back, "That's a good idea but she'll most likely look there first so I say we run for it instead while the others get in her way."

  "You sure they'll follow that? I don't trust any of them one bit."

  "Seems to me you're just scared."

  Well yes... but no. The exact reason is that Tama here doesn't have any confidence in his speed. He doesn't remember exactly why but he thought that maybe his body just remembers how slow he is when he runs. His stamina isn't that good either but...

  It's better to figure out if that's true than just cowering again in fear.

  "Let's do it." he said, his eyes brightening up. "I'll run for my life."

  The albino's eyes widened then later on, he chuckled.